Remote learning week 8

The last few weeks went so fast, I didn’t even realise that we were already at the end of first semester and close to exams. I’ve actually really enjoyed studying from home. It’s starting to get colder now, and so I am glad I’m not having to travel to and from uni in this weather because I remember how cold I used to feel, as soon as I left home and how exhausted I used to be, waking up early in the mornings and reaching home late in the evenings. 

I have had so much time on my hands and I think I have used it efficiently at times and not so well at other times, when I got distracted. But it has given me so much time to write notes and learn lectures in my own time and at my own pace and do learning activities with teachers and other classmates. My motivation has been up and down during this time but as I started being less hard on myself and giving myself breaks I needed throughout the day, I believe I’ve done well in keeping up with the self-directed online learning. 

After getting feedback from the practice exams, I feel like I still have a lot to improve on and revise such as detailing my answers more. Hence these coming weeks to the exams I’m planning to go through all the class materials to link together all we’ve learned, do more practice questions and test myself on subjects I find difficult. Having only over just 2 weeks more before the break,  I want to make the most of it, so I can have an enjoyable break after and let my mind a bit loose, before coming back for semester 2 and a start back to clinic.

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