small case study group

Since preclinic has to be cancelled during isolation, we have a workbook and sessions discussing the workbook together for supplementary. I find this case studying methos really helpful. During these sessions, students would be put in a 5-6 people groups with one or two demos. So, everyone has time for demos to answers their individual Read More…


There are so many challenges a student would face in a normal college life. “Thanks to covid” , I have a very different year of study as I expected. There are more online class. More faces behind the black squares in zoom than actual face I could see with my own eyes.  I wish everything Read More…

SUPER INTENSE, Learning so much

Last two month was one of two months I learned the most in my life, not only text wise but also communicational wise. I have never thought I would learn how to talk to people all over again. Like how to do the post-operation instructions, present my patient to the demo, talk about the chit-chat Read More…