Covid Workbook

Once our time in the dental teaching clinic had to be put on pause due to covid, it was really hard to think about how much it would affect the skills we had built for months in regards to working with patients. Just when we would become more comfortable and our skills would improve, it Read More…


We’re nearing the end of what is supposedly meant to be our final lockdown! For almost 2 years we’ve faced some really challenging times, mentally, physically and emotionally. I, and many others, have experienced some of the lowest lows mixed with some of the highest highs. I’ve tried to see the silver lining in almost Read More…


One of the few patients I had seen in the DTC required LA for a debridement of 48 as he was extremely sensitive as well as quite nervous. I was also very nervous as it was my first LA I would have given to a patient. I don’t think he would have felt all too Read More…


I have only just recently found myself up to date with the oral medicine content. Safe to say there was A LOT of content, but it was such interesting information too. We have already received lectures from such a broad range of specialities including dermatology that I can’t wait to see what the future lectures Read More…


Oh how I wish that amalgam was a more widely accepted by patients in the real world! The one session we had in preclinic working with amalgam was most definitely my favourite session. I found the prep much easier to cut and perfect as well as manipulating the material when carving. However,  I had NO Read More…

Third year research!

This week Prof. Julie Satur gave us a short introduction to how third year will be running as well as briefing us on the research projects we will be completing. This evoked feelings of both a little bit of nervousness but also a sense of relief that we will be involved in a lot more Read More…

Case Based Learning!

I’ve really been finding the small group discussions that happen in the case based learning sessions helpful. I think it’s the next best thing to being able to have discussions in person. It allows for questions to be asked and answered in real time. Personally I’ve been a lot more comfortable to turn on my Read More…

My academic advising meeting

One of the questions I was asked by my academic adviser was how comfortable and confident I am feeling to move into BOH3? Being away from the clinical and preclinical sessions is difficult and has impacted my hand skills. Not only my hand skills but also my overall knowledge and management of patients in dentistry. Read More…